Prohibited Names Registry entry
Specifies names / terms that cannot be used in a Company Name.
Note: Only for use by the Trinidad & Tobago Companies Registry.
Certain words or phrases are not permitted in a company name. This entry specifies a single word or a phrase which cannot be included in a company name when it is reserved or registered. If an exact match for a word or phrase in any Prohibited Names Registry entry is found, the company name cannot be reserved or registered.
This Registry entry is assigned at the system level only:
Key | System |
Key 1 | System
Key 2 | Setting
Key 3 | Prohibited Names
Value | name |

Prohibited Names
name |
name |
is the word or phrase which is prohibited when a company name is reserved. |
This entry specifies that a company name cannot be reserved or registered if it includes the phrase Port Of Spain; if an attempt is made to register Port Of Spain Fried Chicken, the application will be rejected:
Key | Setting |
Key 1 | System
Key 2 | Setting
Key 3 | Prohibited Names
Value | Port Of Spain